Thursday 19 January 2017

Why Medical Cannabis Was the Right Choice for Me

I have had issues with chronic #pain for some time now. It was always there, but there were times it was so bad all I could do was curl up in a ball and cry. It affected my daily life, and kept me from doing many of the things I wanted to do. I've got three children, and they all need me to be at my best, and to be honest, I wasn't. Pain wears you down and makes you so tired and sad. I felt like I was failing my family.
Over the years, I have had some wonderful doctors who tried their best to help. Unfortunately, at that time, that meant opioids and synthetic pain medications. At one point, I was taking several medications that didn't help. they just masked the pain.

I found out about medical #cannabis, and started doing some research. I freely admit I was one of those people who only knew it as "pot" form my younger days, and wasn't sure how much it could help me. I finally reached a point where I was desperate enough to try something, anything that would help. I got in touch with a service that helps connect people with a doctor who can help them decide if cannabis is an appropriate treatment for their situation, and I was so relieved they would help me I made a fool of myself and burst into tears.

Once I had gotten over my embarrassment at being so emotional and  completed the process, gotten my prescription and placed my order, I wasn't sure what to expect. It arrived the next day in the mail. I read the instructions, plugged in the vape machine, waiting anxiously for its battery to charge. The light turned green so I filled it, crossed my fingers and took the first puff. In a few minutes, the pain had lessened and I could move around again. It was wonderful!

I began to get my life back. I was able to work in my garden, go swimming, go walking and do the things I wanted to do. My work improved, as I was sleeping better and bale to give it the attention it deserved. Best of all, I was able to play with my kids and give them the attention they deserve.

When it comes right down to it, we all know our own bodies and minds and need to do what it best for them. Cannabis may not be the ideal treatment for all, and it can provide the best relief when it's used as part of a treatment plan, but just speaking for myself,  it has made a huge difference.

The biggest downside I have had s the stigma attached to it. To those people who look down on me for using it, I want you to know I use it legally and with consideration for others. Just as I wouldn't want someone to smoke tobacco in front of me, I don't vape in front of others whom it might bother.  I am not just lying around stoned. I work,at a job where precision is a must,  raise my family, enjoy spending time with my husband and friends, and love my life, just like most others.

If you live in Canada and have a medical or psychological issue and you are suffering, don't do so in silence. If you are interested in finding out if medical cannabis is the right choice for you, drop me a line. I can put you in touch with people who can help you the way I was helped. You may just end up like I did and get your life back.

~ canbassador

follow me on Twitter at : @canbassadorhal
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